General practitioner offers the following services

Diagnosis and Therapy

This is a test to assess the specific health problems, followed by treatment proposal.
Of course there are blood sugar (glucose), urine sediment, EKG in the office.

Here, our work offers a convenient opportunity to attend

  • clinical examination
  • laboratory samples
  • sonographic examination

All comfortably "under one roof" in the minimum time intervals.

Preventive inspections

Caring for our registered patients does not end only with the solution of acute problems
but at regular intervals, perform a comprehensive examination to assess health status, disclosure of health risks with the draft measures, the introduction of regular follow-up and treatment.

These tests include

  • completion of anamnestic data
  • the total tour
  • Cancer screening
    • stool for occult blood
    • prostate in men
    • MMG recommendations for examination by age
    • and more...
  • laboratory samples
  • ECG
  • According to expert recommendations indicated by examination findings

Assessment of medical fitness

These tests are designed to assess the ability to drive motor vehicles, firearms use, ability to work in specific professions (including the issuance or renewal of licenses of food), skills assessment studies, etc.

Regular vaccinations, vaccination against traveling abroad

  • Tetanus
  • Influenza, pneumococcal infection
  • Hepatitis A, B
  • tick-borne encephalitis
  • against tyfu
  • meningococcal infection
  • pertussis


They are offered appropriate solutions to health problems and risks associated with lifestyle diseases (obesity, smoking cessation), consulting in the social sphere (disability pensions, helplessness assessment, aftercare solution)


  • Telephone
  • e-mail

Treatment of uninsured persons

This is a paid care - see price list of operations.

Visiting in the home service department offers our examination

Furthermore, our wokplace offers examinations

  • using POCT CRP(inflammatory marker of blood obtained from capillary blood to identify the type and intensity of inflammation, which among other things helps to decide on the indication of antibiotics).
  • Quickův time POCT method (captures the most important coagulation factors dependent on vitamin K - the parameter monitored mainly at "warfarinizovaných" patients in the preoperative examination).
  • GHB POCT method (glycosylated hemoglobin, the amount of glucose bound to red blood pigment, reflecting long-term blood glucose). This parameter is observed mainly in patients with diabetes mellitus and its risk.
  • Urine analysis
  • Examination by hemocult (detection of hidden intestinal bleeding)
  • Oxymeter to evaluate blood oxygenation
  • Otoscopic examination of the ears
  • For patients with reduced mobility we use a fully electrically adjustable couch

An indisputable advantage of our ambulance is called ordering system (by phone or email) that in cases of non-acute conditions provides tests "on time". This eliminates the long wait for the acute treatment of patients and thus increased convenience and accessibility of care.

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